February 2025

About Me

I am a young solicitor practising in Tormeys Solicitors in Athlone for the last 6 years and I am currently elected to Roscommon County Council having been first elected in June 2009. Since then I have strived to ensure that the interests, views and concerns of the people and community groups in the area have been represented at local and national level. I have focussed on achieving greater efficiencies in local government so that services to the most vulnerable in our community can be maintained, if not expanded. I have also focussed on the need for the development of further community facilities and the completion of unfinished housing estates.

Politics has always been a very big part of my upbringing. My father believed strongly in the value of voluntary community involvement, which was evidenced by him co-founding, amongst other things, the National Farmer’s Association in 1955 (later to become known as the Irish Farmers’ Association), an organisation which has been the driving force for advancing the rights and interests of the farming community in this County and in the Country. He was involved in many other organisations and committees, down throughout the years and this is a trait that I have inherited from him.

Recent local government reforms suggest more devolved power to councillors. This is likely to result in more responsibility. I have acquired considerable knowledge and experience both as a solicitor and county councillor and I believe that I possess the requisite traits, such as honesty, integrity, diligence and common sense so as to best represent you on the new municipal authority in Roscommon.

Kind Regards, Cllr John Keogh
